Monday, February 11, 2013

tis the beginning

tomorrow i start my internship as a PA on a movie being filmed here in wilmington. this is my first movie. my nerves are boiling. i'm willing to bet i will throw up before my call time in the morning. 
it's surreal. this is something i have dreamed about for years. then the moment came last week when i saw my name listed as "producer assistant" on the official crew list. i had immediate butterflies, but soon enough, the nerves set in. i'm a classic over thinker (it's a real problem).
in the film world, you have one impression and that stays with your name pretty much for good. we hear it over and over again at school; how important your first job on set is for your name and reputation. 
and here it is: my first official job on an actual movie set. 
it's kind of a make it or break it situation. but.... i say, it's time to make it. 
so, here i go! day 01 tomorrow. call time: 9 a.m.  
(it's a 14 hour day. don't worry, i am going to bed, mom.)

wish me luck!


Carolyn said...

I just laughed out loud because I was saying "she better get to bed" in my mind just as you answered me in your blog! You know me too well.
I'll say a little prayer for you honey. But not that you'll do well tomorrow. Because I KNOW that you'll do great. But I'll pray that your nerves will be calmed, that you'll sleep well and that you'll have peace and confidence.
Now go break a leg Miss Producer Ass't!!! Soooooo PROUD!!!

Unknown said...

Super rad. Get it, girl!

Michelle Johnston Wirick said...

I just looked at the clock and it's 10:40am your time! So that means you're already on you MOVIE SET! AHHH! How cool is that! You've gotten yourself here with your hard work Lauren! It's amazing what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it and work hard for it!! SOOOO excited for you! Enjoy it my piece of cheese!!!