Tuesday, December 18, 2012

blogging fail.

i've been meaning to blog for the last.... i don't know. a while. life caught up to me and it just didn't happen. now i am in idaho, cold, but here. flew in yesterday and staying until the 30th. it'll be...... fun. 
good to see family, though! 
anyway, last weekend kelly, patricia and i headed down to the absolutely beautiful (but no, really) Charleston, South Carolina. it was a quick day trip but we had such a great time.  we walked around a never ending farmer's market, had a tasty lunch on the river, and spent hours walking and taking pictures in the french district. it was a great break from real life. i had never been to Charleston but good grief, i will be back again, and again. it was that pretty. i'll share a few photos from the day.....

be back soon.....

for real.

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